DICOM viewers once merely displayed basic radiology visualizations, severely limiting clinical utility beyond simple film readings.
However powerful open-source JavaScript libraries now enable fully featured diagnostic DICOM reader online with extensive reformatting, processing, and measurement capacities rivaling costly workstation software.
Closing Critical Functionality Gaps
Workstations long provided refined workflows, precision, and reliability radiologists require for accurate interpretation unachievable through basic web viewers.
However, funding constraints often limited smaller clinics to outdated units while remote usage remained impossible.
“Older web DICOM platforms felt quite restricted coming from the tools I utilized daily for diagnostic reading,” recalls Dr. Rebecca Fontaine, a general radiologist. “Crucial things like multiplanar reconstructions (MPRs) proved absent.”
Yet thanks to dedicated open-source contributors, feature gaps shutting out web platforms are rapidly closing through tools like Cornerstone.
Its reusable JavaScript library empowers developers in constructing fully customized diagnostic viewers accessible through browsers on commodity hardware.
“Equipping our new premier multi-speciality centre with top notch workstations felt financially impossible,” explains Russell Ward, an IT director overseeing the debut of the 15-physician practice. “However, utilizing Cornerstone web viewers on our server now brings sophisticated radiology tools freely to everyone.”
Matching Specialized Clinical Requirements
Success hinges upon matching or exceeding the refined UX and precision of workstation functionality radiologists expect.
Let’s explore key examples where Cornerstone and libraries like it attain parity.
Robust Reformatting Capacity
Manipulating volumetric data freely proves essential for confirming diagnoses accurately across multiple axes without needing rescans.
- Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) – Display simultaneous reformatted parasagittal, paracoronal, axial views
- Maximum Intensity Projections (MIP) – Project brightest voxels across other axes
- Volume Rendering – Freely rotate volumetric models for spatial examination
“The capacity to fluidly reformat views on the fly improved our diagnostic confidence tremendously,” Dr Fontaine explains. “Visualizing pathology indicators across perpendicular axes or through projection isolates them quickly from anatomy.”
Precision Quantitative Analysis
Probing images quantitatively enables exact lesion measurement significant for tracking treatment efficacy over time.
- Length, area, and curvature tools
- Custom labeled distance markers
- Pixel probe with HU density readings
- Region of interest shape overlays
“Having robust tools calculating exact cyst dimensions or nodule density levels quantitatively guides determining medication responses or procedure necessity,” confirms Dr. Fontaine.
Advanced Visualization Workflows
Further enhancing interpretations involves fusing multimodal images to highlight interplay across bodily systems.
- PET/CT overlay with adjustable transparency
- MRI and parametric mapping co-registration
- Contour mapping of anatomical segmentation
- Side-by-side temporal comparison viewer
“That capacity to view relationships between anatomical, metabolic and functional imaging proves invaluable daily for oncology and neurology analysis,” Dr. Fontaine remarks.

Democratization Drives Collaboration
Departments benefiting most from dedicated workstations often operated in exclusion.
Transitioning instead to networked web DICOM viewing fosters collaborative discovery of greater utility to patients.
Any authorized hospital staff can now participate interactively across specialities unconstrained by physical locations.
Surgeons access scans remotely pre-operation while referring physicians view shared findings to sharpen diagnoses.
Patients also review images thoroughly with caregivers through patient portal integration.
“It pleases me tremendously realizing this little clinic in Oklahoma now essentially utilizes the same web tools as elite research hospitals thanks to open-source DICOM software,” remarks Russell. “Cost barriers don’t block anyone from obtaining world class visualization capabilities anymore.”
The playing field continues leveling as sustained open-source efforts persist closing the remaining gaps.
Powerful libraries actively honed worldwide daily come benefiting healthcare practitioners everywhere equally.