SaaS or Software as a Service is slowly gaining reputation amongst companies looking to deploy enterprise-suited software quickly and cost-effectively. SaaS is being used in a multi-tenant monitoring strategy as well. This is to avoid the capital and operating expenses associated with on premise solutions. A cloud-based subscription is a hot thing now! Everywhere you go, SaaS. But this gives birth to many questions and concerns. Those questions and concerns rise many ridiculous myths. They are often pretty scary, misleading, and often irrelevant. Today, we have decided to debunk these myths once and for all!
1. SaaS Applications Are Not Secure
This is the biggest joke! Because the explanation is fundamental and understandable. If SaaS didn’t provide security and protection, it wouldn’t have been this successful, right? It would have been just hogwash! Security in cloud services can be created and maintained at a very flexible level. In cloud-based architectures, multi-tenancy means that customers, companies, and consumers share infrastructure and databases to reap benefits in terms of price and performance. Tenants may also share hardware on which their virtual machines or servers run. SaaS providers now offer apps and security, network protection, and disaster recovery specs. Multi-tenant’s applications are fashioned to tick all the boxes when it comes to safety. They have strict features for every tenant. What’s impressive about the SaaS solution is that there’s no additional cost for updates, and the updates are available instantly.
2. Enterprise Apps Are More Effective
Not really! Cloud apps are featured based on the web and the users’ needs. The SaaS apps get updated in real-time based on feedback from hundreds of companies. As a result, you get a robust software with smooth controls. And, because SaaS must meet customers’ requirements, they tend to be extremely customizable and configurable without rewriting source code. Those who code knows that rewriting source code can cost a lot.
3. You Can Lose All Your Data
SaaS contracts state that the customer owns all the data, and SaaS vendors have a process to export these data. If a customer decides to terminate their agreement with the vendors, they can take export the data take these with them. Most solutions provide flexible reporting and web integrations that allow customers to get access to the data virtually. Because the information is stored in cloud storage, it is available 24/7. So there’s absolutely no chance of losing your data.
4. SaaS Applications Are Not Reliable
The SaaS applications are more reliable than any on premise solutions. SaaS providers typically offer 99.5% uptime for the services they deliver. Almost rare and brief service interruptions, sometimes these subjects to longer outages and cost money. But right cloud infrastructures are continuously monitored and featured for any complications.
Hope debunking these myths has solved your issues and pulled you out of irrational fear. In a nutshell, SaaS solution and application is pretty simple to use and quite affordable. They offer IT monitoring services, security and protection, keeping your data all secured. Also, your data is stored in cloud storage so you wouldn’t lose a single data; that’s a promise.